
Bankett von Songmile,Willkommen zu 2024!

Bankett von Songmile (2)
Bankett der Ningbo Songmile – 26,Januar,2024

Teile diesen Beitrag

Our boss James and Lisa gave a speech:

Affirm the efforts of Songmile partners in the past year and look forward to a more perfect future.

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Friends from India joined the banquet, combining Chinese and Western, making the New Year flavor stronger.

They sangAankhein Khuliand we presented them with a special gift of the Chinese Year of the Dragon, demonstrating our friendship.

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Partners from Songmile also joined in the offering, showing their personal charm and stirring up a round of applause. The audience was enchanted in the wonderful songs. What a warm and happy Songmile family banquet!

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We meet in Songmile! Delicious food, warm atmosphere,!let us look forward to the future intimate cooperation between each other.

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After dinner, we played traditional Chinese small games, everyone was happy and enjoyed themselves.

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Our company has a recreation area where people play billiards to relax.

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What comes into view is our elaborate gift, everyone haswe hope everyone in our banquet can have fun .

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Specially prepared for the annual meeting of the exquisite Year of the Dragon cake, wish we can ride the wind next year.

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As a coastal city – Ningbo, seafood is an indispensable beauty on our table

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Endlich, the photo of our Songmile family, everyone dressed beaming, ready to welcome a better 2024!

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Mehr zu entdecken

Dragon Boat Festival in Songmile!

On Dragon Boat Festival, Ningbo Songmile Packaging Co.,Ltd., prepares a lot of festival gifts for our employees to enhance their happiness.

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