
Produktuen bilaketa

Experience and Knowledge

PETG Plastic Bottle

What is PETG material?

PETG is a versatile material that combines strength, durability, ease of use, and other beneficial properties, making it a popular choice in various industries, including 3D printing, packaging, and manufacturing.

Plastic Lids

Zeintzuk dira estalki motak?

Some common types are Screw-on lids,Snap-on lids,Flip-top lids,Pump lids,Cork lids,Twist-off lids and Press-and-seal lids.

Eredua 6

Plastikozko Injekzio Moldea

Injekzio-moldeaketa plastikozko piezak eta produktuak sortzeko erabiltzen den fabrikazio-prozesua da. Injekzio moldearen alderdi garrantzitsuenetako bat pieza horiek sortzeko erabiltzen diren moldeen ekoizpena da.

Lanbroa ihinztagailua

How does a sprayer work?

A pump forces the liquid into a narrow chamber before ejecting it through a small hole in the sprayer’s nozzle. This hole, or nozzle, collects the liquid to create a concentrated stream. The hydraulic pump is the only complex component in this design, but it is also very simple to build.

Beirazko botila

What are the advantages of cosmetic glass bottles?

The glass material is free of lead and has a high barrier performance. It effectively prevents various gases from oxidizing and eroding the objects in the bottle while also preventing the volatile components of the objects in the bottle from volatilizing

Trigger ihinztagailua

Non aplikatuko da ihinztagailua?

Trigger spray botilak gehien erabiltzen dira kimikan, etxekoa, eta industria produktuak. Etxeko garbiketa produktu asko, beira garbitzaileak barne, komun-garbitzaileak, konketa-garbitzaileak, eta belarra zaintzeko produktuak, trigger spray botiletan daude eskuragarri.


Ltd 12 Ltd, Ltd Ltd.

Ltd, Ltd Ltd, Ltd, Ltd.

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