
Para que servirá a tapa push pull?

O deseño push pull permite un acceso rápido e un peche cunha soa man, permitindo aos consumidores entrar e saír dunha variedade de botellas cunha soa man. Selan firmemente para protexer o contido durante o transporte ou o almacenamento entre o uso.
Tapón de rosca

Push pull caps are used for a variety of purposes, some of the most common being:

Push pull caps on beverage bottles make it simple to open and close beverages such as sports drinks, juices, and iced tea for on-the-go consumption. The push motion removes the cap, while the pull tab retains it on the bottle.

Food containers, such as applesauce pouches for kids, have easy-to-open and close push-pull lids that keep the food sealed between snacking occasions. The caps keep any remaining food fresh.

Toiletry/cosmetic bottles with push-pull tops allow you to effortlessly remove the contents in the shower or over the sink while keeping sealing the product between uses.

Medicine bottles with child-resistant push pull closures are meant to keep children out while allowing adults to readily access pills, vitamins, and other items with one hand by pressing and tipping.

Cleaning goodsDurable, tight-sealing push-pull lids protect chemicals from small children and keep them safe for storage.

O deseño push pull permite un acceso rápido e un peche cunha soa man, permitindo aos consumidores entrar e saír dunha variedade de botellas cunha soa man. Selan firmemente para protexer o contido durante o transporte ou o almacenamento entre o uso.


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