How do I use airless pump bottles with replaceable inserts?

Replace any inserts that have stains, smells, or are deformed. Imperfections in the insert can prevent it from effectively sealing and sustaining an airless vacuum environment.
Airless Pump Bottle Plastic Packaging
  • Check that the neck/opening diameters of the reusable outer airless pump bottle and the replaceable inner insert match so that they fit securely together.
  • Make sure the replaceable insert is absolutely clean and dry before inserting it. Any moisture can disrupt the airless vacuum seal.
  • Fill the replaceable insert with the liquid or lotion of your choice. Fill to the maximum fill line, which is usually at the neck. Overfilling can make effective sealing impossible.
  • Insert the filled inner container into the outer airless pump bottle and tighten the lid. To seal the vacuum, tighten the pump cap.
  • Press down on the pump head to distribute. This will force the product out while preventing air from returning to the bottle.
  • Pulling up on the pump head while the insert is still full with product can cause the airless vacuum mechanism to fail.
  • Remove the empty insert and replace it with a new, clean one. Recapping and pumping with an empty insert may allow air to enter.

Replace any inserts that have stains, smells, or are deformed. Imperfections in the insert can prevent it from effectively sealing and sustaining an airless vacuum environment.


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