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Ningbo Songmile Packaging Co., Ltd. was established in April 2014. It is a professional global packaging material supplier, specializing in the production of daily necessities such as trigger sprayer and lotion pumps, as well as skin care product set packaging products such as airless bottles, essential oil bottles, cream jars, and soft tubes eċċ.

Fil 2019, our factory Yuyao Songmile Plastic Co., Ltd. was established, specializing in the production of inclined pump trigger sprayers, lotion pumps and other products. Fil 2022, we continued to increase our sales, our products are exported to nearly 150 countries around the world, and we have achieved in-depth cooperation with many famous brands, laying a solid foundation in the packaging industry!

Fil 2022, our newly built plant area expands to 28,000 metri kwadri, ma 3 main buildings, 60 injection machines, more than 80 assembly equipment, more than 120 production workers and technical staffs. We also have a number of supporting production areas, such as mold workshop, accessories workshop for daily necessities, and dust-free workshop for skincare packaging. In terms of products, we have advanced and professional technologies and equipment, including mold design, steel manufacturing, automatic injection molding, automatic assembly and inspection. In terms of management, we strictly implement ISO9001 quality system, and so far we have obtained many certificates such as ISO9001, BSCI, SGS, BV, REACH and so on. Our sales staff and technicians provide you with professional product solutions and first-class technical services, making you worry-free throughout the whole process!

Having cooperated with many influential brands around the world for more than 10 snin, we know how to help customers create value and profits, and will continue to use our creativity and innovation to make our products more competitive in the market. We have also always regarded improving our production management level and product research and development capabilities as our long-term goal, and are committed to becoming a professional global packaging service provider to help customers grow their business and achieve a win-win situation!

Thank you for choosing Songmile and trusting Songmile!


Aħna professjonali ħafna. Aħna nipprovdulek modi mmirati u effettivi biex tindirizza l-ħtiġijiet tal-prodott tiegħek u anke żżid il-valur tal-konsumatur permezz tal-esperti tal-bejgħ b'esperjenza tagħna.


Agħtik appoġġ sħiħ u stabbli għan-negozju tal-ippakkjar tiegħek billi tuża t-tim b'saħħtu tagħna u l-esperjenza rikka fl-għodda, disinn, bejgħ, produzzjoni, spezzjoni ta 'kwalità u trasport.


Iħaddnu l-aħħar teknoloġija u innovazzjoni, biex jinħoloq tip ta 'ppakkjar aktar komprensiv, biex jinkiseb bejgħ win-win.

Songmile Packaging Group Photo Of The Company Team

Who We Are

Ipprovdi Servizz Ultimate Lil 1000 Klijenti

Innovazzjoni & Efficiency
Unity & Win-win

Kun Impenjat Li Fornitur Professjonali tal-Materjal tal-Ippakkjar Globali.
Agħmel The Home Cleaner, Ħalli Il-Familja Aktar B'saħħitha

Why Songmile Packaging

Our Markets

Household Cleaning Packaging

Household Cleaning Packaging

Personal Care Packaging

Ippakkjar tal-Kura Personali

Skincare Packaging (2)

Cosmetics Packaging

Our Global Cooperation

Purchasing Steps

Buyers first visit our website and then send us an inquiry by filling in the form. Our sales experts will quote the buyer after obtaining the purchase information. After both parties confirm all transaction details, we will send samples to the buyer. If the buyer is satisfied with the sample, we confirm the final order.

After the factory has produced the goods, they will be shipped to the country/region where the buyer is located.

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