Quality Control-Songmile Automation

We aim to provide high-quality products at the most genuine price because clientssatisfaction is our high priority. We keenly observe quality as per laid down norms. These quality checks help in determining the high quality and performance of the product.

The quality inspection like function & sealing is done by an automatic machine while assembling.

Quality Control-Songmile Automated Assembly Machine
Quality Control-Songmile Automatic shim machine

Tests carried out by us on our superior quality products include:

Selection of top-quality raw materials.

On the basis of regular internal time, we carry sample testing of the manufactured products.

Each process is monitored under the guidance of experts.

Last but not least, your feedback is very important to us. Feedback helps us bring about further improvements and upgrades in production management.

Maʻu ha Kupuʻi Lea Vave

Te tau tali ʻi loto 12 houa ʻe, kātaki ʻo tokanga ki he ʻīmeilí ʻaki ʻa e hingoa tānaki maí "@song-mile.com".

ʻIkai ngata ai, te ke lava ʻo ʻalu ki he Peesi Fetuʻutakí, ʻa ia ʻoku ʻomi ai ha foomu ʻoku fakaikiiki ange, kapau ʻoku lahi ange ʻa e ngaahi fakaʻekeʻeke ki he koloa pe te ke fie maʻu ke maʻu ha founga ke fakaleleiʻi ʻaki.

Maluʻi ʻo e fakamatala

Ke lava ʻo talangofua ki he ngaahi lao ki hono maluʻi ʻo e fakamatala, ʻOku mau kole atu ke mou toe vakaiʻi ʻa e ngaahi tefitoʻi meʻa mahuʻinga ʻi he popup. Ke hoko atu hono fakaʻaongaʻi ʻetau uepisaiti, ʻoku fie maʻu ke ke lomiʻi ʻi he ʻTali & Tapuni ʻ. Te ke lava ʻo lau ha meʻa lahi ange fekauʻaki mo ʻetau tuʻutuʻuni totonu fakatautaha. ʻOku mau hiki hoʻo aleapau pea te ke lava ʻo taʻofi ʻaki haʻo ʻalu ki heʻetau tuʻutuʻuni totonu fakatautaha pea lomiʻi ʻi he widget.