What are the advantages of using an Airless Bottle?

Being able to use less or no chemical preservatives. Allow the organic and natural purpose hit home and deliver to the user.
airless bottle

1. Being able to use less or no chemical preservatives.

2. Allow the organic and natural purpose hit home and deliver to the user.

3. The bottle does not need to sit upright to pump the content out. In the event of traveling or an artist in the field, the content can be dispensed immediately upon removal from storage without waiting for the content to shift and settle to the bottom.

4. The content in the bottle will hold a longer shelf life when it does not come in contact with air.

5. Love your product, such as foundation and moisturizer, but the packaging does not come with a pump. Simply transfer the product into an airless bottle for easy dispensing application.


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Are Plastic Caps the Unsung Heroes of Product Packaging?

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