Alibaba Entrepreneur 1+1 Club, Songmile Packaging Home Field

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Alibaba Entrepreneur 1+1 Club, be honored that many elites in the foreign trade industry have come to Songmile Packaging to stud.

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October 17, 2019. Alibaba Entrepreneur 1+1 Club, be honored that many elites in the foreign trade industry have come to Songmile Packaging to study.

The mental journey from the transformation of personal foreign trade has given many valuable suggestions to colleagues who urgently need to transform on the spot.

The company’s extremely efficient management gives employees a lot of guarantee mechanisms, which is open and transparent, so that everyone can feel the fairness of the company and everyone can enjoy the work.
From the platform to the exhibition and then to the closed-loop business of the modern enterprise, the details of the transaction of the big customers were shared unreservedly, and the route planning of the exhibition was visited, which made everyone gain a lot.

Show the data of the operating platform, explain the operation experience, and share operational skills and methods.

The company’s extremely efficient management gives employees a lot of guarantee mechanisms, which is open and transparent, so that everyone can feel the fairness of the company and everyone can enjoy the work.

Packaging, we are professional.
Business, we are honest.

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